Need Help Now

Need Help? Call our confidential 24 hour sexual assault hotline at 972.641.7273 to be connected with a trained advocate. Click here to better understand what’s next.

About DARCC’s Sexual Assault Hotline

Whether you're a survivor of sexual violence, a loved one seeking ways to help, or someone in need of information and resources, our compassionate advocates are here to listen and assist you at any time.

    • We believe you. Your experience matters, and we will listen with compassion and respect.

    • Support on your terms. We offer confidential services, so you can share what you're comfortable with.

    • Empowerment for healing. We provide resources and support to help you navigate your journey towards recovery.

    • Get the care you need. Initiate the process for follow-up to access counseling or advocacy services.

    • Connected to resources. We offer referrals to additional support, both immediate and long-term.

    • Survivors: We offer support to anyone who has experienced sexual assault, abuse, or exploitation.

    • Loved Ones: If you're a friend, family member, or supporter of a survivor, we're here for you too.

    • Professionals: We provide support and resources to professionals who work with individuals who have experienced sexual violence.

    • Any hour of the day or night.

    • Immediately after experiencing sexual assault or abuse, or even years and decades later.

    • You just need someone to talk to

    • You are having trouble sleeping, having nightmares or anxiety

    • You are seeking information, resources or wondering what to do next

    • To learn more about your options for reporting or accessing resources such as assistance with the criminal justice system, or counseling

    • You are wondering how to help someone who was been sexually assaulted or abused

  • Yes. You have the option to remain anonymous and how much information you share is up to you.

Your safety is important. If you believe you are in immediate danger, call 911.

Calling our Sexual Assault Hotline gives access to a range of free resources including:

  • Safety Planning

    Develop a plan to protect yourself and loved ones if you're still in danger.

  • Medical Attention

    Get connected to local healthcare professionals for emergency care and treatment.

  • Forensic Exams

    Learn about voluntary exams that collect evidence (confidential, even without police report).

  • Healing & Recovery

    Access individual counseling, support groups, and referrals to other support services. We also offer resources for loved ones of survivors.

Other ways to connect with a trained advocate at the Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center

Confidential conversations with trained advocates offer emotional support, answer your questions, and help you explore options like advocacy, counseling, and other programs. 

Request a callback: If you prefer we call you, fill out the brief form below with your contact information and a preferred time for an advocate to call you back. We will respect your privacy and confidentiality.

Need an interpreter? We provide free interpretation services.

Visite nuestra página: En Español aquí.

You are not alone. We are here to help.

Walk-ins are available without an appointment

Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center
2801 Swiss Ave. Dallas, TX 75204

Monday–Thursday Friday
9am–5pm 9am-3pm

24/7 Crisis Hotline: (972) 641-7273
Administrative Line: (214) 712-4900
